<|endoftext|>M. In contrast, complexed 125I-rHir was found to be a pure, non-competitive inhibitor having a Ki of 15.6 pM showing a ten-fold increase. These results demonstrate that covalently bound 125I-rHir still maintains potent alpha-thrombin affinity while losing minimal inhibitory capacity. Thus, successful modification of 125I-rHir serves as the foundation for future alternative applications for this potent inhibitor.<|endoftext|>namespace OpenQA.Selenium.DevTools.Security
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
/// <summary>
/// The action to take when a certificate error occurs. continue will continue processing the
/// request and cancel will cancel the request.
/// </summary>
public enum CertificateErrorAction
[EnumMember(Value = "continue")]
[EnumMember(Value = "cancel")]
Philip JeckLiverpool, UK
Philip Jeck works with old records and record players salvaged from junk shops turning them to his own purposes. He really
does play them as musical instruments, creating an intensely personal language that evolves with each added part of a record. Philip Jeck makes geniunely moving and transfixing music, where we hear the art not the gimmick....more<|endoftext|>#!/bin/bash
rm -rf _build/rst _build/html
d2lbook build rst
cp static/frontpage/frontpage.html _build/rst/
d2lbook build html
cp static/frontpage/_images/* _build/html/_images/
for fn in `find _build/html/_images/ -iname '*.svg' `; do
if [[ $fn == *'qr_'* ]] ; then # || [[ $fn == *'output_'* ]]
# rsvg-convert installed on ubuntu changes unit from px to pt, so evening no
# change of the size makes the svg larger...
rsvg-convert -z 1 -f svg -o tmp.svg $fn
mv tmp.svg $fn
<|endoftext|>Cognitive-behavioural therapy for idiopathic burning mouth syndrome: a report of two cases.
Two cases of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) that were successfully managed with cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) are reported. The principles and application of CBT are described. The cases presented demonstrate the important role that this type of psychological approach can have in the management of patients with BMS.<|endoftext|>Join the Superior Family...where everyone gets the family treatment.
When it comes to auto services and repairs, trust the Superior team for fast, dependable service for every budget. At Superior Auto Body, it’s our job to get you back on the road and keep you safe. The Superior Solution includes free diagnostic tests and a nationwide warranty.
Superior Auto Body offers top-rated services to get you back on the road in no time. Whether you've had an unfortunate run-in with a bird or hit debris in the road, the certified technicians at Superior Auto Body can help. We offer many repair services including:
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