<|endoftext|> 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:110-11):
[letter from Isacke Turner discharging John Williams from the maintenance of his sister, Sussanna Turner's child] March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:111):
The condition, that if the said Nicholas White doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth in June next, to make further answare to what may be required of him in reference to the charge and accusation of Jaell Smith, wherin shee chargeth him to haue committed vncleanes with her, and that hee, the said White, depart not the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera. March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112):
The condition, that if the said Thomas Jones doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth in June next, to make further answare to what may be required of him in reference to the charge and accussation of Jaell Smith, wherin she chargeth him to have committed vncleanes with her, and that hee, the said Jones, depart not the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera. March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112):
Memorandum: that John Smith and Jaell, his wife, be summoned to the said Court in reference to the premises. March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112):
Francis Curtice, for committing fornication with his now wife before marriage, fined fifty shillings. March 4, 1672/1673 (CM, PCR 5:112):
Abisha Marchant and Mary Tayler, for committing fornication with each other, fined each of them fiue pound. June 3, 1673 (GC, PCR 5:118):
Nicholas White, Thomas Jones, Jaell Smith July 4, 1673 (CM, PCR 5:130):
Att this Court, William James and his wife were fined the summe of ten pounds for committing carnall coppullation with each other before marriage or contract. June 3, 1674 (CE, PCR 5:147):
Att this Court Josiah Leuitt, of Hingham, appeered, to answare the charge of Deborah Brookes, that hee had committed fornication with her; and the Court haueing heard such testimonies on both parties as haue bin produced for the clearing of the case, and finding noe suffieient proofe of her said accusation, doe see cause to cleare him of his being guilty of the said fact soe farre as wee descerne. June 3, 1674 (CE, PCR 5:148):
Deborah Brookes, for committing fornication, was centanced by the Court to be publickly whipt, which accordingly was inflicted. October 27, 1674 (CM, PCR 5:156):
The condition, that wheras the aboue bounden Joseph Doten is accused by Elizabeth Warren to haue committed fornication with her, wherby shee is with child, if, therfore, the said Joseph Doten shall and doe appeer att the Court of his magestie to be holden att Plymouth aforsaid the first Tusday in March next, to make further answare respecting the said fact, and not depart the said Court without lycence; that then, et cetera. March 1, 1674/1675 (CM, PCR 5:161-62):
Rebeckah Littlefeild and Israell Woodcocke, she with begotten with child. March 1, 1674/1675 (CM, PCR 5:163):
Nathaniel Soule, for lying with an Indian woman, was centanced to be whipt att the post, which accordingly was inflicted; likewise, the woman was publickly whipt att the post for this fact. And the said Soule is ordered by the Court to paye ten bushells of Indian corne to the said Indian woman towards the keeping of the child. June 1, 1675 (CE, PCR 5:173):
Samuell Wood, for committing carnall coppulation with his now wife before marriage, fined 5:00:00. October 27, 1675 (CM, PCR 5:181-82):
Wheras a child is lately borne of Elizabeth Woodward, and that shee accuseth Pobert Stedson, Junior, to be the father therof, of which hee can not cleare himselfe, the Court sees cause to take securitie for the payment